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Life journey and choices This is my first time having a courage to share my view and experience to the world regardless whether anyone going to read it. The main reason I start this is to be able to capture the moment each week or month as time goes. Recently, I have decided to take a career break due to various reason. I have never thought I will ever make this kind of choice especially I was being promoted to Manager level. However, even with the title of Manager doesn't seem to tame down the question I've been asking myself - "Is work all about life?". During 2016, we lose someone that is quite young due to cancer and that trigger me with all kind of question. What if I couldn't live past 40, have I live my life yet? The other part of the reason that I made this call of having to take this long break is concentrate on my fertility journey. Honestly, I didn't know to become a mother is so difficult and lonely. I will share this topic more in another po

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